
Cocoa Brown by Marissa Carter

I'd been loyal to the St Moriz for years so when I saw mixed reviews on the Cocoa Brown 1 Hour Tan I thought I'd shake things up in the tan department and give it a go. At just £6 from my local Primark I didn't have high hopes, but I'm pleased to say I've been proven wrong and my tan stocks have been replaced with this bad boy.

The tan comes out in a mousse form in a lovely caramel colour which acts as a guide - not that you can tell from this photo. I promise in real life it does not look the colour of sick, but actually rather delicious. Imagine whipped caramely foamy goodness. The green element does prevent you looking like a walking wotsit however.
 I like to apply mine with a mit, and this is where I was won over. It blends into the skin absolutely effortlessly.  Gone are the days of frantically rubbing yourself all over to avoid streaks and pale patches. One smooth swipe and voilĂ , you're left with a natural bronzed glow that doesn't leave your skin dry.
 Next the timings. The back says leave on for 1, 2, or 3 hours depending on the intensity desired. I tested all three and I have to say I think leaving the tan for 2 or 3 hours gives the best result. When I washed it off after 1 hour I was left a nice even tan, though the colour really only lasted a few days, though it would be perfect if you need a quick fix. When I wash it off after 2 or 3 hours the colour lasts about a week and doesn't go patchy or flaky.
 The thing I love the most about this tan is the colour it leaves. If applied sparingly it gives the appearance of a healthy glow, and more liberally a gorgeous sunkissed tan. 

Looking for a new tan to try this summer that won't break the bank? Marrisa's got us covered. 

Have you tried the Cocoa Brown tan? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Love Em x

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