
Welcome to Emciaga

Hello there! Welcome to my brand spanking new blog, my corner of the internet, my creative outlet if you will. Here you will find posts on beauty, fashion and lifestyle, with the odd recipe post here and there (I can proudly say after much determination my cooking skills now go beyond toast and omelettes). First let me introduce myself. I'm Em, a twenty year old undergraduate living by the sea with a love for beauty and fashion, and this blog has been a long time coming. Prior to the past week or so I had no idea how much technical stuff was involved in starting a blog and for a tech noob like me it wasn't the easiest of things. Or maybe it is easy and I'm just that much of a technophone. Over time you will most likely notice my penchant for pretty things and the everlasting search for the perfect MLBB lipstick- I can't be the only one...?


  1. Welcome to the blogging world!! I'm so excited for you! You look like you'll do great on here, good luck x

    L&L - http://sisterblend.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you so much!! And I love your blog :-) x
